In the translation of the poem Beowulf by Seamus Heaney, Grendel isnt that a nut put there for Beowulf to fight; he is a goliath battling his own demons as well as Beowulf. In the scene in which Grendel goes to Heorot and prepares to attack, on take ups 702 through spot 734, Grendel shows signs of sufficient thought and a conscious motive for attacking. Grendel seems to be attempting to fulfill a kind-feud against Hrothgar during his conquests and to punish him for using the ill-gotten valuate from these conquests to build himself Heorot. If an animal attacks a group of people, its only beggary usually is survival, unless if a person goes into a construction and kills people but doesnt take anything but macrocosm life there essential be some motive, which requires lucid thought. In these lines Grendel is described as having these rational thoughts. Grendel is described as a shadow-stalker, stealthy, and swift. Grendel shows these traits because he knows that there is at to the lowest degree sensation guard looking for him, Grendel is a large monster with the ability to pick up thirty men and because must be huge but he is able to obliterate himself in the shadows and is always un spy until he attacks; furthermore, erst Grendel gets to Heorot he scouts the land.

Scouting the land around Heorot suggests that he is finding the surmount way to attack the twist without being seen or noticed till he is inside. Also, Grendel goes towards Heorot greedily but neer takes anything but human lives. Greed is a human sense and if Grendel is freeing greedily but never takes gold o r care for he must sine qua non something ! more, he wants the blood of Hrothgars people or he wants to take extraneous the jocund living he does not feel they deserve. If you draw one of the first things that set Grendel on his killing fling was the merry-making make by the people in Heorot. This is greatly contrasted by describing Grendel as joyless, Grendel is jealous that the people have a pleasing building to be able to make merry in and...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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